see how other treatment options stack up to Invisalign treatment
just deciding you're ready to transform your smile is a big step. the next step is deciding the best way for you to do it. see why you should choose Invisalign clear aligners.
Comfortable experience
Virtually invisible
Consultation with a doctor
Trusted brand from dentists
Database from worldwide users
More predictable
Made from SmartTrack material
Used by doctors and orthodontics
in Hong Kong and Macau
Over 17 million user data*
Each aligner is trimmed to your gum line for optimal comfort and appearance
Able to use various attachments to support teeth movements
other affordable clear aligners
other clear aligners
Some are made from retainer materials.
Requiredto adapt to two kinds of materials
First consultation mostly conducted by the brand itself.
Doctors may not provide consultation through the whole journey
Few cooperating doctors
Little user data
Most other aligners have a flat cut, covering the gums.
Potentialfor poor hygiene and gum infection.
Without attachments.
Difficult to achieve complicated movements
and control teeth root movements.
Little user data.
Low predictability.
*Data on file at Align Technology, as of October, 2021
frequently asked questions
Is invisalign treatment more expensive than braces?
What are other possible payment options available for Invisalign treatment?