it’s discreet when you’re wearing it and it’s easy to take it out when you need to.
the results you want, in as little as 6 months1, based on the complexity of your case.
you can work with your doctor to develop a payment plan that suits you.
all clear aligners are not alike. only invisalign clear aligners are made of SmartTrack material, so they are more comfortable and easier to put on and take off2.
predictable results backed by 17 millions smiles3 worldwide.
you get customized treatment based on years of research and intelligence from millions of patients.
all clear aligners are not alike. only invisalign clear aligners are made of SmartTrack material, so they are more comfortable and easier to put on and take off2.
go from imagining your smile to seeing it with the iTero Element scanner.
your doctor can map out your new smile using 3D images5 taken by the iTero Element scanner. from there, you’ll get a custom treatment plan that’s right for you.
there’s no room for guesswork with iTero and ClinCheck software.
your doctor can use our outcome simulator to map out the path to your smile, right down to the tiniest shift, from your first aligner to your brand-new smile.
with SmartForce Attachments, just the right amount of gentle force can make all the difference
depending on your case, SmartForce Attachments are small tooth-colored shapes that are attached to your teeth before or during your invisalign treatment. they're like handles, giving aligners something to gently push on.
you transformed your smile with one of the world's most advanced clear aligner. now you can keep it looking good with the clear and discreet Vivera retainer that’s custom-made for you and built to last.
it’s easy to keep the smile you love.
Vivera retainers are:
you transformed your smile with one of the world's most advanced clear aligner. now you can keep it looking good with the clear and discreet Vivera retainer that’s custom-made for you and built to last.
1. Treatment times vary depending on individual patient needs and must be determined by your doctor.
2. Aligners made from SmartTrack material provide better fit, better comfort, and are easier to insert and remove compared to aligners made from single layer 0.030 inch (Ex30) material.
3. Data on file at Align Technology, as of December 31, 2023.
4. Compared to aligners made from single layer 0.030 inch (Ex30) material.
5. Some doctors still take physical impressions using a soft putty. these impressions are then scanned by invisalign technicians to create the 3D image for use in the ClinCheck® software and manufacturing aligners.
6. Data on file at Align Technology, as of October 12, 2017.
7. Rejection calculated based on cumulative submissions of PVS and iTero scans from Jan 2017 to June 2018. data on file at Align Technology, as of July 2018.
8. Data on file at Align Technology as of October 12, 2017.
9. With weekly aligner changes, compared with two-week aligner changes.
10. Data on File at Align Technology as of September, 2022.
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